Friday, December 23, 2011

My Failings as a Novelist: How NaNoWriMo helped me find my voice

Well, I gave it a shot but I fell short...45,000 words short, to be exact! 

That's right...this past November, I jumped on the NaNoWriMo bandwagon to celebrate National Novel Writing Month. 

I thought, "This is going to be my year!  I'm going to crank out the book that's going to make me millions, and I'm going to do it in one month!" 

I felt prepared; I had my novel idea in mind before I even signed up, I had brainstormed who my characters would be and how they would be introduced, and I set aside a daily chunk of time to devote to my novel writing.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How do you manage "Search Overload"?

I love these commercials!  But, until I began my online writing career, I didn't realize just how true they ring!

When I first set off on this endeavor, creating an online writing business, I spent countless hours researching.  I Googled terms close to my interests, such as "freelance copywriter", "freelance copywriting", and "making money online".  What I found was an immeasurable, almost unmanageable, amount of information.